Boring Tool Holder Extension
Fine Boring Head is a precision tool used for high-precision machining applications. It features a compact design and fine adjustment capabilities for accurate bore sizing and surface finishing.
Radial Holder Form B5 Right, Long
Radial Holder Form B5 Right, Long cylindrical workpieces are firmly mounted on the right side during production and machining operations using the precision-engineered Right, Long component.
ER Sealed Nut
ER Nut is an essential accessory for ER collet chucks. It securely fastens the collet to the chuck, ensuring a reliable connection and accurate machining operations.
OZ Collet Chuck
OZ Collet Chuck is a compact and versatile tool holder designed for high-speed machining operations, offering excellent grip force and runout accuracy in a wide range of applications.
ANSI B5.50 TG Collet Chuck
CAT-TG Collet chuck, Nut with steel ball increase the holding power by 75%, can be used for heavy-duty processing.
DIN 69893 TG Collet Chuck
HSK-TG Collet chuck, Nut with steel ball increase the holding power by 75%, can be used for heavy-duty processing.
DIN2080 Combi Shell Mill Holders
DIN2080 Combi Shell Mill Holder is a versatile tool holder that can hold both shell mills and end mills. It provides high precision, rigidity, and clamping force, suitable for various applications.